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Fortune Cookie Baby Booties Inspired by Book
By Jennifer 8. Lee | March 16, 2011
My friend, Barbara Martinez, alerted me to the fact that my appearance on Martha Stewart inspired her to create the baby booties. (click on the booties, annoying that they don’t have an individual link to each finalist.)
Here is what she writes (she got the middle initial wrong, but whatevs).
Della S.
Oregon City, OR
I came up with my ReMarthable idea when I was watching the Martha Stewart Show a couple years ago when Jennifer B.Lee was on explaining the origins of fortune cookies. I make Japanese inspired crafts, sushi baby booties, and sushi ornaments. I wanted to keep with the Japanese theme, so when I heard on the show that fortune cookies originated in Japan, a light clicked on and Fortune cookie booties were born! They are made from a simple kimono style pattern, very easy to demonstrate. The fortunes are made from printable canvas, I have made these from brown re-purposed sweaters or fleece. I also make adult sizes.
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