The Fortune Cookie Chronicles

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    Like “A Year of Living Biblically,” but With Fortune Cookies

    By Jennifer 8. Lee | January 7, 2011

    Every day for a year, a writer, Matt Kelsey, is going to follow the advice of a fortune cookie and play the lucky numbers, to see if it really will make a difference.

    Here is his press release, which I was fascinated by in part because it’s on the Kansas City Star website. Sort of like user-generated, but not. Wonder if they charge or not. Great way to engage a community. Allowing them to send put press releases on the major newspaper web site.

    Local writer to follow fortune cookie advice for one year

    Everyone has cracked open a fortune cookie at the end of a Chinese food meal. But few people these days actually heed the advice given on the tiny paper fortune.
    For one calendar year, freelance writer Matt Kelsey is going to do exactly that.
    Starting on Saturday, January 1, 2011, Kelsey is going to open one fortune cookie each day and follow the whims of the fortune. Additionally, he will also purchase a $1 lottery ticket using the lucky numbers on the back of each day’s fortune.
    Through his new blog, My Daily Fortune, Kelsey will chronicle his fortune cookie adventures. The blog can be found at
    “This is a personal growth project for me, but I also believe others can benefit from what I learn,” Kelsey said. “The fortunes found inside cookies are usually basic and simple, but oftentimes those nuggets of wisdom are the most profound.”
    Readers of My Daily Fortune can track Kelsey’s daily updates and even follow the fortunes in their own lives.
    “I think it would be terrific if people could actually participate in the project by leaving comments on their own experiences,” Kelsey said.
    In addition to checking out the project at, readers can also follow Kelsey’s Twitter (@matt_kelsey) and Facebook updates.

    It looks like he will already be a featured in an article in the Kansas City Star, so there is some luck there. Maybe there is a book out of it.

    Topics: Chinese Food, Fortune Cookies | No Comments »

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