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Onepot on Nov. 24 with Scott Emerick in Seattle
By Jennifer 8. Lee | November 16, 2008
I forgot if I mentioned already (my head is confused with all the bronchiospasms). I also am doing a dinner next Monday in Seattle, November 24 with Onepot and Scott Emerick of Cremant. As Mike Hebberoy writes:
the last time we had jennifer (and her nytimes best selling book) at dinner I turned away over 150 requests – her insanely engaging book about chinese food in america made a huge splash in the emerald city – six months later we are lucky to get jennifer for a repeat performance – since her last visit her book has appeared everywhere and received endless praise.
we are lucky to have a return visit by the chef du jour scott emerick of cremant – expect some nw-franco-chinese versioning – and don’t be scared – jennifer will make it very clear that sampling and appropriation are core to chinese food.
jennifer gives an amazing multi-media presentation – expect to leave with a completely different perspective on chinese food, america, life. (thanks again to mrs. kim ricketts for making this one go…)
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