Archive for October, 2008
Next Entries »æŽç«¶8 on Wikipedia
Tuesday, October 7th, 2008Today in playing with the link: command in Google search, which reverse looks-up what pages are linking to a particular page (more advanced Google commands), I discovered have a Chinese Wikipedia page, and my name is translated as æŽç«¶8, which is endlessly amusing, as that is my Chinese name æŽç«¶, with an 8 appended afterwards. […]
A fortune cookie still life, by Abbey Ryan, for sale on Ebay
Monday, October 6th, 2008Abbey Ryan, who creates a painting a day, has a fortune cookie still life on sale on eBay called Fortune Cookie No. 2. It is currently at $107. There seems to be quite a bit of fortune cookie-inspired art. My personal favorite remains a portrait of Mao, made out of hundreds of cookies.
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