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Yay Amy Harmon and Anne Hull.
By Jennifer 8. Lee | April 7, 2008
Two friends, both women journalists whom I have admired very much for the humanity and narrative grace in their writing, won Pulitzers today: Amy Harmon of The New York Times and Anne Hull of The Washington Post.
Amy Harmon won for her series on the age of DNA in the category of explanatory reporting.
Anne Hull was part of the team that won for a series on Walter Reed Hospital’s treatment of veterans for public service (which technically goes to the paper, and not the individual reporters, but still everyone knows it was Anne Hull and Dana Priest).
I’ve tried to learn from their work over the years, and it epitomizes the intelligence and talkibility of work I would like to strive for. Their body of work has been so strong over the years that it is wonderful to see it recognized (Anne has been a finalist more than anyone I know, sometimes twice in a single year). And they are both charming wonderful people who could not deserve such happy things more.
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