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Doing an all-day radio tour…by phone
By Jennifer 8. Lee | April 7, 2008
Today I am doing an insane tour by phone set up via Newman Communications, a PR firm that specializes in (among other things) literary radio and satellite television tours. They essentially hook you up with radio programs (mostly live, some pre-taped) coast to coast on a very tight schedule. It has to be done over a landline, and I don’t have a landline, so I had to crash at my friend’s place to use the phone. Same place where I watched the Super Tuesday returns as I do not have a television either.
Here is the schedule for today.
- 4/7 7:40 am WMJI-FM/Cleveland OH 10 min live w/Lanigan & Malone, 50,000 watt FM
4/7 8:30 am KCBS-AM/San Francisco CA 10 min live w/Morning Show, 50,000 watt AM
4/7 9:10 am Cable Radio Network – CRN National National 10 min live w/ Jack Roberts
4/7 9:20 am WKZL-FM Greensboro NC 10 minute live w/ Murphy in the Morning
4/7 10:00 am WMHX-FM/Harrisburg PA 20 min live w/Diane Grey, top-rated FM
4/7 10:30 am 30 min taped with WGTD-FM Milwaukee WI w/ Greg Berg for Morning Show
4/7 11:05 am *KCMN-AM/Colorado Springs CO 10 min live w/Tron Simpson, top-rated AM
4/7 11:40 am KZOK-FM/Seattle WA 10 min live w/Bob Rivers, 50,000 watt FM
4/7 12:20 pm Lifestyle Radio Network – national 20 min live w/Frankie Boyer, nationally syndicated
4/7 5:30 pm WINA-AM/Charlottesville VA 30 min live w/Coy Barefoot, top-rated AM
4/7 10:00 PM *WLW-AM/Cincinnati OH 30 min live w/Scott Sloan, 50,000 watt AM
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