Archive for March, 2008
« Previous Entries Next Entries »Meat vs. Rice, American Manhood against Asiatic Coolieism, Which Shall survive?
Monday, March 17th, 2008So I spoke at the Library of Congress today. (Packed room! maybe 150 or so people, with people standing in the back. Sometimes I think, who are all these people and how did you hear about the book?) Anyway, Abby Yochelson, a librarian there, pulled some documents from my bibliography, including this one. Â It is […]
Fortune Cookie Chronicles E-card
Monday, March 17th, 2008My publisher designed an e-card!
How to minimize reading at “readings”
Sunday, March 16th, 2008I’m running around trying to pack and get all the logistics together before goig o tour. (The itinerary roughly goes Washington –> Philly –> Boston –> San Francisco/Bay Area –> Los Angeles –>Seattle). I have packed for two weeks at a time while doing research for my book. Packing for two weeks if no one […]
Amazon ranking #8×8
Sunday, March 16th, 2008So this was a couple of days ago (on the Tuesday, March 11), where a nice convergence of the tail end of Colbert and a favorable write-up in the New York Times Book Review sent it up to #64 (which my friend Shawn noted is 8-squared) for part of the day.
LATimes: “a deeply enjoyable meal, for anyone who likes talking or thinking about food.”
Sunday, March 16th, 2008Seth Faison has a review in today’s Los Angeles Times, which focuses a lot on the authenticity aspect of the food. I don’t think this review was on our radar (sometimes you know when a book review is timed to run, and as in this case, sometimes you don’t). My Google alert actually picked this […]
It’s my birthday and all I want to do is sleep
Saturday, March 15th, 2008I have a one day respite between New York City publicity (which happens to be my birthday). Dinner tonight with my closest friends and then book tour starts tomorrow. It goes Washington –> Philly –> Boston –> San Francisco –> Los Angeles –> Seattle –> (Home in NYC for a few days) –> Chicago. Put […]
Jeff Yang: on books and babies.
Wednesday, March 12th, 2008Jeff Yang, the founder of A. Magazine and a columist for, has a piece interweaving The Fortune Cookie Chronicles and raising his sons. We had an hour-long interview before I ran out for a TV shoot on Saturday where he told me he liked my book. I was like, if there is one person […]
Now 40% off on Amazon
Wednesday, March 12th, 2008Not sure why, but Amazon just upped the discount on The Fortune Cookie Chronicles from 34% to 40%.
Salon: “An attitude of amused observation, obsessive reporting, anthropological curiosity”
Wednesday, March 12th, 2008Nina Lalli does a Q&A with me for Salon, which was picked up on the front page of Yahoo! How the fortune cookie crumbles Is Chinese food as American as apple pie? Jennifer 8. Lee discusses the strange evolution of everyone’s favorite ethnic food. By Nina Lalli Mar. 11, 2008 | As a teenager, New […]
Boston Globe: An author’s quest for identity.
Wednesday, March 12th, 2008Emily Schwab writes a lovely piece today in The Boston Globe about me and my quest for identity through Chinese food. I met with Emily last November during my pre-pub tour at Changsho in Cambridge and we had a lovely time. So this is one of the longest pieces in development on this book.
Confucius say, you will be arrested today for something stupid
Monday, March 10th, 2008Police were able to arrest two robbery suspects in Tulsa, Oklahoma because they found matching fortune cookies from the robbed Chinese restaurant and in the crooks’ pockets, according to this Associated Press story. The crooks loved fortune cookies so much, that not only did they take money they grabbed fortune cookies on their way out […]
Hartford Courant: “difficult to imagine a more satisfying book”
Sunday, March 9th, 2008The Hartford Courant publishes a review by Steve Weinberg. Nice phrases: “Alternately breezy and cerebral, it serves as an appetizer platter, a bowl of hot and sour soup, an array of main dishes, tea and dessert — simultaneously.” and “Flashes of insight punctuate the text.” He has his criticism about the writing and structure, which […]
Breaking Amazon’s #100 barrier
Saturday, March 8th, 2008Yes. I obsess about my Amazon ranking, like every new author does. It’s like watching a stock ticker, which updates every hour (if you are in the top 1,000?) and every day otherwise. (My dad obsesses too, once I told him there was something to watch. We are very goal-oriented people), Today, just now, The […]
My Greatest Chinese Restaurant in the World, on the brink of bankruptcy?
Saturday, March 8th, 2008So the restaurant that I picked as the “Greatest Chinese Restaurant in the World” is struggling and may be on the verge of bankruptcy, according to the Vancouver Sun, which is really sad. Sam Lau’s business (like many Vancouver Chinese restaurants) is being hammered by cheap flights to Hong Kong and the weakness of the […]
Bloomberg: Lee whets our appetites with light, easy-to-digest stories.
Saturday, March 8th, 2008Bloomberg News moved a review by Yvette Ferreol. It’s interesting to me how much the business press has taken to it: Forbes (the meanest review I got), Fast Company, now Bloomberg. March 6 (Bloomberg) — China’s Qing-dynasty hero Zuo Zongtang, aka General Tso, probably never had fried chicken. At least not the deep-fried boneless kind […]
The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, in Chinese!
Saturday, March 8th, 2008So The World Journal (the largest Chinese language newspaper in the country) ran a piece on me earlier in the week. (My mom did send them a press release, though. Yay moms) ç¾Žåœ‹æ–°èž ä¸åœ‹èœç·Šç·ŠæŠ“ä½ç¾Žåœ‹èƒƒ æŽç«¶æ–°æ›¸ã€Œå¹¸é‹ç±¤é¤…記事ã€ï¼šä¸åœ‹èœçš„故事åæ˜ ç¾Žåœ‹çš„æ•…äº‹ ã€æœ¬ å ±è¨Šã€‘æœ€æ–°ä¸€æœŸã€Œæ–°èžå‘¨åˆŠã€å ±å°Žï¼Œç¾Žåœ‹äººæ„›åƒä¸åœ‹èœï¼Œä½†æ£å¦‚ 「ç´ç´„æ™‚å ±ã€è¨˜è€…æŽç«¶ (Jennifer 8. Lee)在新書「幸é‹ç±¤é¤…記事ã€(The Fortune Cookie Chronicles)所æ述的那樣,美國人所謂的ä¸åœ‹èœï¼Œå°±é€£è¨±å¤šä¸åœ‹äººéƒ½ä¸èªå¾—。其ä¸ï¼Œé›œç¢Žæ ¹æœ¬æ˜¯ç¾Žåœ‹ç™¼æ˜Žçš„,而幸é‹ç±¤é¤…則來自日本,就連美國最大的 ä¸é¤é¤¨ä¾›æ‡‰æ¥è€…Kari-Outè£½é€ çš„è±†æ¼¿ï¼Œä¹Ÿæ ¹æœ¬ä¸æ˜¯å¤§è±†åšçš„。 æŽç«¶æŒ‡å‡ºï¼Œä¸åœ‹èœçš„å¸å¼•åŠ›ä¾†è‡ªå®ƒçš„é›™é‡æ€§è³ªï¼šæ—¢æœ‰åœ°åŸŸæ€§åˆæœ‰æ™®é性,來自外國而åˆç†Ÿæ‚‰ã€‚它讓美國人å¯ä»¥æ”¾å¿ƒåšæ–°ï¼Œå»ä»å¯å›ºå®ˆè‡ªå·±çš„文化傳統。 雖然ä¸é¤é¤¨é布韓國ã€ç¥•é¯ã€å°åº¦ã€æ—¥æœ¬ã€å¢¨è¥¿å“¥å’Œç‰™è²·åŠ ç‰ä¸åœ‹ç§»æ°‘;多的地å€ï¼Œå¯æ˜¯èª°éƒ½ç„¡æ³•èˆ‡ç¾Žåœ‹äººå°ä¸åœ‹èœçš„熱愛相æ並論。 美國人這麼喜愛這種沒有真æ£æ—裔性質的「æ—裔ã€æ–™ç†ï¼Œå…¶åŽŸå› 來自:隨著大批移民引進,從而演變æˆèžåˆå„種文化矛盾的大雜燴,而ä¸åœ‹èœåœ¨ç¾Žåœ‹çš„故事也æ°æ°åœ¨è¨±å¤šæ–¹é¢åæ˜ å‡ºç¾Žåœ‹æœ¬èº«çš„æ•…äº‹ã€‚ 自從一八四○ – 一八五○年代的淘金熱以來,ä¸åœ‹ç§»æ°‘æºæºä¸æ–·ä¾†åˆ°ç¾Žåœ‹ï¼Œä½†ç¨®æ—å見使他們åªèƒ½ç•¶ç¤¦å·¥å’Œéµè·¯å·¥äººï¼Œä»¥åŠåšã€Œç…®é£¯ã€æ´—衣這些ä¸å¨è„…白人勞工的女人工作ã€ã€‚å› æ¤ï¼Œåœ¨1885å¹´ç´ç´„市åªæœ‰å…家ä¸é¤é¤¨ï¼Œ20å¹´å¾Œå‰‡è¿…é€Ÿå¢žåŠ åˆ°ä¸€ç™¾å¤šå®¶ã€‚ æŽ ç«¶èªªï¼Œç¾åœ¨ä¾†åˆ°ç¾Žåœ‹çš„移民,如果éžæ³•å±…留且åˆä¸æ‡‚英文,就很å¯èƒ½ä¾†åˆ°ç´ç´„è¯åŸ ,並é€éŽé€™è£¡çš„è·æ¥ä»‹ç´¹æ‰€åˆ°å…¨ç¾Žå„地ä¸é¤é¤¨æ‰“工。他們å°é€™äº›é¤é¤¨è£¡è³£çš„ä¸åœ‹èœ 一定覺得ä¸å¯æ€è°ã€‚æŽç«¶èªªï¼Œé“地ä¸åœ‹èœç¶“常帶骨ã€å¸¶æ®¼ï¼Œå…¨éšé€£çœ¼ç›éƒ½æœƒä¿ç•™ï¼Œæ¯”較多é’èœï¼Œæ¯”較少肉和少油,更ä¸æœƒæœ‰äº”彩繽紛的醬料。 她說: […]
Rocky Mountain News gives The Fortune Cookie Chronicles an A!
Saturday, March 8th, 2008John C. Ensslin reviews The Fortune Cookie Chronicles in The Rocky Mountain News and gives the book an A. I’m like goodness, I haven’t received a grade since senior semester of college! Most interesting critique…the hunt for the greatest Chinese restaurant in the world. Thinks it’s labor intensive (it was) and doesn’t add that much […]
San Francisco Chronicle: “Prose is thrown out in confident tendrils”
Saturday, March 8th, 2008Wow. The San Francisco Chronicle got the co-founder of, Kevin Smokler, to review my book. (I’m actually in the process right now of figuring out how to convert my .xml file of appearances into a .csv template for book events so I can put events on So is on my mind) I […]
NYTBR: Wok On and podcast!
Saturday, March 8th, 2008The New York Times Book Review runs its review of my book this Sunday by Jan and Michael Stern. It’s already online now and it actually closed 10 days ago, on a Wednesday. (The Book Review, like the Magazine, has a incredible close-to-distribution lag, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear to me but may involve […]
Wisconsin Public Radio on the origin of the fortune cookie
Saturday, March 8th, 2008Here is the mp3 of an interview I did on the origin of the fortune cookie on Wisconsin Public Radio a week ago, along with Eric Hagiwara, for their Friday food program. (I know. Delay. Book craziness. Why else am I catching up on blogging on a Saturday morning at 6 a.m.?!). They liked me […]
Preparing for The Colbert Report
Saturday, March 8th, 2008Here is my explanation of what it’s like to prepare for The Colbert Report on The Huffington Post: Don’t try to be funny. That was the piece of advice that was repeatedly given to me when my friends first heard I was booked on The Colbert Report to talk about my book on Chinese food […]
NYT on MSG and Umami
Saturday, March 8th, 2008Julia Moskin has a lovely explanatory piece on MSG in Wednesday’s Times. (Sorry for delay, but book craziness). I do touch on MSG and the concept of umami, the fifth taste, in my book in the soy sauce trade wars chapter. I use MSG in my cooking sometimes. We call it weijing. China is actually […]
Introducing fortune cookies to China
Thursday, March 6th, 2008During my trip to China, I took along boxes of Wonton Food’s fortune cookies and gave them out to Chinese people along the way. This is a compilation of their reactions. (The people here are from Houyu, Kaifeng, Shenzhen and Changsha). chat transcript.
Thursday, March 6th, 2008Yesterday I did an hour-long chat on Lots of questions of General Tso and Stephen Colbert. The slideshow apparently drove a lot of traffic too.
Airbrushing before a TV appearance
Thursday, March 6th, 2008Make-up artist (holding a menacing metallic device): Have you ever been airbrushed? Me (looking at aforementioned device): Um, not to my knowledge. I thought airbrushing was something they do only after a photo is taken? Apparently not.
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