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More on the Baghdad Chinese restaurant: no Sweet and Sour Pork
By Jennifer 8. Lee | January 25, 2008
Media just loves the Chinese restaurant in Baghdad story. The Times of Lonndon also takes alook at the Chinese restaurant in Baghdad with a piece that is horribly headlined: “Chinese chefs take a wok on the wild side in world’s most dangerous city.”
Tidbits we learn
- It is probably the only non-Iraqi restaurant — and possibly the only non-Arab business — in the city except for a handful huddled in the fortified, sealed-off Western enclaves.
- The local Baghdadis feel that peace is on its way. And the Chinese restuarants makes them feel almost cosmopolitan.
- The restaurat workeres have left their families behind in China, work all the time, and sleep next door to the restaurant in a single room.
- The new tenants do not serve sweet and sour pork.
Topics: Chinese, Chinese Food, Chinese Restaurants | No Comments »
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