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My book cover: Orange is the New Orange
By Jennifer 8. Lee | June 14, 2007
So here it is: my orange orange cover.
It’s what I call Gates-of-Central-Park orange, which is admittedly eye-catching and “in” right now. A lot of people have complained about the “cognitive dissonance” of “fortune cookie” on a soy sauce packet (which isn’t cognitive dissonance at all per psychology definitions, but rather “incongruity”). There are no fortune cookies on my cover. As I was told, there is no wit in being obvious. My thought: yes. but there may be sales in being obvious.
Re the color: as my friend Daniel J. Hemel put it: “As for the orange, well, I think red would have weird Communist overtones and yellow would be way politically incorrect.”
Topics: Book Musings, Fortune Cookies | 1 Comment »
June 19th, 2007 at 1:32 pm
Orange is the death color according to this guy:
But maybe that’s just for the mob? You’re lucky you didn’t write about italian food.